Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, it's been an eventful few months. The highlights include my best mate's wedding, and my 24th birthday.

My long-term buddy Lawrence is now married! It was the first time I'd been to a church wedding, and it was very elegant. Lawrence and his wife Leah were really happy, and as you can imagine very busy as well. The reception was fun, and there was plenty of delicious buffet food! I guess it's my turn now!

That was a couple of weeks ago, but more recently it was my 24th birthday. This year I decided that I wanted a good meal out with friends, and a kickass pissup. The meal was at Nando's (an excellent Portuguese themed chicken restaurant) and the food was (as always) awesome! Originally the plan for after the meal was to go drinking in the Guildford town centre. However, it turned out that my birthday coincided with the house-warming of some friends of mine. So it was suggested that the house-warming party become a house-warming/birthday party/leaving do. The leaving do was also for myself as I'm heading off to Canada in a little over a week for an entire year! (See my Canada Blog for more details).

The party was a lot of fun and we didn't leave until about 8 in the morning! Now that's proper partying!

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