Thursday, April 27, 2006


Well the Future Foundation people never got back to me about that placement, I guess the interview didn't go as well as I thought.

I had another interview with a company called CMed last week. Personally I thought it went near perfectly, but I was pipped at the post and didn't get that one either. After that I was pretty pissed off, and seriously thought I wasn't going to find a placement.

However, I had another interview today for the SHINE Partnership of Schools. Personally I thought I performed really badly, but then I get a phone call 2 hours later with an offer for the job! I couldn't believe it!

The placement will involve me working in all aspects of IT at 2 schools. Should be reasonably challenging. It's going to be weird being in a school environment as a member of staff. I hope the kids are well behaved ... yeah ... who am I kidding?

Tuesday, April 4, 2006


So, at the moment I'm trying to get a work placement as part of my degree. I had an interview today with "The Future Foundation". Their company is based in London, so I had to catch the train in. An hour and a half and 3 trains later I made it there, but I was an hour early. It was either that or 5 mins late, so I thought it was best to go for the ridiculously early option. I used the extra time to get a look around the area.

The interview itself went very well I think, and I'll get an answer by Thursday! That's pretty damn quick! The job would be great as I'll be doing a wide variety of things, and won't be tied down to just one area, and I'll actually have a fair amount of responsibility, so I won't be stuck doing boring menial work.

Well, fingers crossed.

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